Our 2:42 group met for the first time last night. If you don't know what 2:42 groups are, they are our way of trying to live out the first church in
Acts 2:42-47 where they devoted themselves to the apostles teachings, to the breaking of bread, to fellowship and to prayer. Last night, our group got together and shared some of what we see our group studying and how we want to approach prayer, fellowship through service and a couple of other really cool ideas last night. A couple of the coolest things that we left with were the topics for study and one of the ways that we are going to approach prayer as a group. We threw out some ideas for topics of study, but the one that the group felt most strongly about (I'm stoked) was apologetics. We will be looking at that for a while and it's going to be awesome. I am also VERY excited about the idea that was presented for a way that we can approach prayer as a group...PRAYER CALENDAR!!! I am one of those people that loves calendars in the first place, but I've been involved with a couple of groups of people that have done prayer calendars before, and it's a very unifying experience. Although the group may not always be together for a time of prayer, you have the assurance that there are other people talking to God about the same stuff that you are, and to me that's just really cool. I can't wait for us to get that going here in the next couple of weeks. Speaking of prayer, one of my friends from the Greenville Community Shelter has been there for 6 or 7 months and I've been praying for him and his situation and that he would get into permanent housing away from all of the negativity associated with poverty. Dan always lights up the room for breakfast when we go serve there, but this Sunday, I noticed that he wasn't up early like he usually is, and after asking around, I found out that Dan moved out of the shelter last month!!! God has answered that prayer, and if you don't mind and you have a minute right now, please pray against the systems that make it very difficult for someone to come out of poverty. Thanks and I hope that you have a great day!