So, we're sitting at supper one night, just talking about stuff and Karen says, "I wish God sent text messages." I was like...that's a cool idea, so we talked about it a little bit, and I've kind of had it on the back burner in my head for a while, so here's what we came up with. If God sent text messages, what would He say? I'm sure that it would differ from person to person and situation to situation, but I think that sometimes He would send pieces of encouragement or support, sometimes He would call us out, and sometimes He would send us some of His Word. Like I said, this is just a thought, but taking it one step further, would we really want to answer His text messages? I know that I would want to get the encouraging texts or the texts of Scripture, but how about those texts where He calls us out? Those would be kind of tough to answer, it would be like...I know that's a text from God, and I know what it says because I know what He's calling me out on, but I think I would just rather ignore it. When I consider that, it makes me wonder how often do I ignore the Holy Spirit (which is WAY cooler than a text message) when He is showing me something I need to be doing, or something that I am doing that I shouldn't be? So I guess the concept of getting a direct message from God on your phone is cool, but isn't it even more amazing that we get them on our hearts and from other believers through the Holy Spirit, not a cell phone provider.