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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

24/7 Prayer

24/7 Prayer at ECU starts Friday at noon and goes through next Friday. This is an attempt to bring people closer to God through spending time in prayer. The event will be held at the BCM beside Wendy's on 10th street. We want to unite our campus in prayer and seeking after God, He is doing big things on our campus, so why not join in and get involved.

24/7 Prayer at ECU from Brad Christian on Vimeo.

Check out the website to sign up www.247ecu.com

Special thanks to Brad Christian for doing an awesome job on the video.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Smile and Enjoy

Check out their website for more details about "playing for change".

I hope you enjoy the video and that it brightens your day like it did mine!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Praying For All People (Politicians Are People Too)

Over the past month, it has really been brought to my attention that the people leading our government really need prayer. When I say they need prayer, I don't mean that we should pray for them to pass this legislation or that legislation, I mean that we should pray for the PEOPLE that are leading our country. This list of PEOPLE includes President Obama, everyone in Congress, your governor and your local government officials. If you dislike our government, a particular politician, or all politicians in general, you don't have an excuse. If you don't believe me, check out 1 Timothy 2:1-5, it says that we are called to pray for ALL people, and even makes direct reference to praying for those in positions of political power (don't take my word for it, click the link). When you pray for our leaders, pray that if they are followers of Christ, that they will seek His guidance and direction in the decisions that they make. If they are not following Christ, pray that they will be impacted by God's influence in their lives. If you are truly interested in seeing God turn our country around, remember that He moves when His people pray. 2 Chronicles 7:14 (Go ahead, click that link too, God's word has more to say about this than I ever can).