This week I have been faced with a lot of what if questions for some reason...maybe it means I should be thinking about some things. I just want to post a few of the questions so that maybe other people can ponder them with me, and if you feel up to it, offer some insight to help out with these.
What if...- God is tired of us being internal with our worship?
- We took our relationship with Christ and what that means for our lives with us everywhere we went instead of sectioning off who we are in different places?
- We decided to go to different places than people would normally associate with us as Christians?
- We truly reached out to everyone that we come in contact with?
- We burst out of the "Christian bubble" and the stereotype associated with that?
- We were as radical as Jesus was?
- We prayed like the world depended on it?
Like I said, these are some questions that I have been wrestling with and chewing on this week. There are no right or wrong answers, but I would love to hear what you think, and maybe some ideas will come out of this that can be used in our day-to-day ministry.
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